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What’s the best food loaded with vitamins and minerals?
This shall feed your mind
The best foods for loaded nutrition are as simple as you might think. Hippocrates was a philosopher, healer. He said, “let thy food be thy medicine.” It's the truth.
We are what we consume. People who typically get sick often say, “it runs in the family.” This is far from the truth. Your dietary habits run in the family.
Believe it or not, the best source of nutrients from food is to incorporate a smorgasbord of vegetables, fruits, and meat. Think of it as the food pyramid the establishment pushed on us back in the day. There is some merit to this after all.
The real food that has the most vitamins and minerals in it, without a doubt, is the liver.
Many people are afraid of organ meats because they think they will be too “rich,” but you can’t get healthier than liver!
The liver belongs to a class of foods called “superfoods,” which also include other types of offal, bee pollen, molasses, wheatgrass, spirulina, and nutritional yeast.
They are super because they have much higher nutrient concentrations than non-organ meats. For example, the liver contains 2x the calcium as milk!