7 Doctors of HEALTH…….
Here are some facts you may want to read about the 7 Doctors of health
What are these 7 wonders may we ask? Simple. Just read on to see what it is that can keep us healthy on a daily/nightly basis.
- Laughter — The most rewarding aspect of this particular exercise is the fortification of immunity! This simple, pleasurable exercise is contagious (for the most part), it secrets endorphins and dopamine all while enhancing T — Cell activity. Stress reduction is also a bonus during these modern times.
- Sun — Who enjoys basking lazily in the summer sun? I know a lot of us to do. The tan, the beach waves, sand, breeze, the sites, and sounds. Ahhhh refreshing… There’s a reason the sun is important in this here equation. Does vitamin D come to mind? It should, without it, we’ll see increased depression, no drive, more disease, and mental disharmony. Alaska has the highest suicide rate due to long winters and insufficient sunlight. Fake bakes don’t count sadly 😞……
- Rest — Does a computer run 24/7 flawlessly? I mean some do but……. does a phone remain on without charge? Tablet? It’s imperative for some electronics to rest so they’ll function much better later on. Same with the body. During rest, our bodies are repairing themselves. The heart still ticks along with the brain (autonomous functions) so we can’t help that, but it is vital. The skin cells are replaced, our muscles or injuries are ameliorating, we’re relaxed from the rigors of our daily toil.
4. H20 —Every time I see this alpha-numeric sequence it reminds me of Waterboy (a classic by the way). Come to think of it, water is all around us. Our world is filled with 70 percent water, just like the human body. We were all born in water, we bathe in water, we imbibe water. The body cannot thrive without it. So much we can only go 3 days without. So drink up…..
5. Exercise — Who’s heard of this? I sure have but we don’t utilize this method that often due to time constraints, work, and just plain old life in general. Just one hour a day is only 5% of your day just to be frank. We can do it…. Too many benefits to be had with this. The benefits are you look more youthful as you age, rest better, sex appeal increases, fewer injuries.
6. Food — Eating is one of my favourite past times. You are what you eat. Food gives us fuel like a car. But, high test fuel will make your car perform better. The same principle applies to the body/mind. Crap food will make you feel down, good food will pick you up. Supplements are handy for folks who are always on the go.
7. Music — Is for the soul. Why is music on here? Simple. It works. It puts us in a trance. It’s the soundtrack of our life. Music can make you or break you depending. Try to find songs with 432HZ for its soothing like Bob Marley for example. Most songs are at 440HZ. This doesn’t vibe well with nature's harmonics. I’ll post about this someday frankly but look it up. Music helps me decompress, brings up good memories (depending), picks mood up for workouts, driving, etc.